Recently we converted a three-layer Client-Server project using Datasnap technology (Delphi XE7). We have had some intermittent communication problems where, apparently, the server denies some requests at random. What I mean by random is that, a request can be made 300 times, but at any given time, and without it being for a specific client we receive errors like; An interruption occurred in the connection. Error: Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused , and also Socket Error # 10060 Connection timed out.
Another thing that seems interesting is that apparently the performance is not bad, there are few clients connected, (around 50 maximum), but they actually make many requests.
In our scenario we are with Firebird, a REST Application Server traversing Json to the client. Both the application server and the client were programmed in Delphi.
Does anyone have any idea what it might be?