Okay, come on.
You can do something like this:
Here we will create a method to get the Bank data and pass a dictionary to the html:
def arquivos(request):
arquivos = arquivos.objects.filter(published_date__lte=timezone.now()).order_by('data')
return render(request, 'template/exibir_arquivos.html', {'arquivos': arquivos})
In html we use this syntax of {%%} to write some code and create a logic in html, so we can display the data in the way that is being shown in the example:
{% for arquivo in arquivos %}
<p>publicado em: {{ arquivo.data }}</p>
<h1><a href="">{{ arquivo.titulo }}</a></h1>
<p>{{ arquivo.descricao }}</p>
{% endfor %}
However ... I do not recommend that you do this. In my case, I create several routes with an API in Django and display the data with JavaScript, so I can separate the Front from the Back. And in case of an integration the API is already ready.
I hope to have answered, any questions ask there. = D