Blank table space


Hello, I have a small problem, the table gets one more column, I looked for the error and read the code several times and nothing to solve If anyone can help, thank you

    $table = 'Products';

    $columnname = \App\Models\columnname::columnname($table);

    foreach ($columnname as $key => $value): ?>

    <th><? echo strtoupper($value['COLUMN_NAME']) ?></th>

    <? endforeach; ?>
    $listable = \App\Models\listable::list($table);

    $listable = $listable->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

    $keys = array_keys($listable);

    foreach ($listable as $key => $value) { ?>
    <tr> <?
      $value[$key] = $value;

      $keys = array_keys($value);

      $keys = array_flip($keys);

      foreach ($keys as $key2 => $value2) {
      <td><? print_r($value[$key][$key2]) ?></td> <?;          } ?>
asked by anonymous 18.11.2018 / 05:40

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