Execute a function and it takes more than x seconds of the error - React Native


Good afternoon!

I made a function that searches the data of a JSON on the Web, but wanted to wrap it in a function that would take longer than for example 10 seconds to explode an error on the screen, currently the page is only blank, it only explodes the error if I change the url of the get


        .get('LINK DO JSON')
        .then(response =>{
            const {dados} = response.data;
            //colocando no state
                pessoas: dados,
                loading: false,

        }).catch(error => {
                loading: false,
                error: true,

If it takes more than 10 seconds, I wanted it to be an error, but it only gives the error if I move there in the JSON link and put a nonexistent one. The setTimeOut is loading loading for those "8 seconds - 8000 miliseconds", but then goes blank and wanted to explode an error instead

Code that calls after:

render() {      
    return (
        <View style = {styles.container}>       
            ? <ActivityIndicator size='large' color='#97c19a'/>
            : this.state.error
            ? <View> 
                  <Text style={styles.error}>Ops... Algo deu errado =(</Text>
                  <Text style={styles.error2}>Tente recarregar a página!</Text>
                  <Text style={styles.error2}>Se o problema persistir, contate a TI!</Text>
            : <ListaDePessoas pessoas={this.state.pessoas} onPressItem={pageParams => {this.props.navigation.navigate('PeopleDetailPage', pageParams)}}/>
asked by anonymous 20.11.2018 / 19:13

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