Well, I would like to basically pass an array through the url to the red.params of express.router, I tried to do it in some ways:
router.get('/:[ids]?', function (req, res, next) {
portfolioModel.deleteArray(req.params.array, function (erro, retorno) {
I need help! Please.
function that receives callback:
static deleteArray(ids, callback){
var str = "DELETE FROM tbl_portfolio WHERE id IN ( ";
new Promise(resolve =>{
for (i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
if (i == (ids.length - 1))
str += "?"
str += "?, "
str += ")";
}).then(result =>{
db.query(str, ids, callback);
function that sends the callback:
router.get('/:[ids]?', function (req, res, next) {
portfolioModel.deleteArray(req.params.array, function (erro, retorno) {
let resposta = new RespostaClass();
if (erro) {
resposta.erro = true;
resposta.msg = 'Ocorreu um erro';
console.log('erro', erro);
} else {
resposta.dados = retorno;