- a Visio object - GUI (Graphical User Interface);
- a Controller object, which handles system events, GUI actions, and
- model objects
Consider that a Vision object receives a Controller object as a parameter:
Controlador controlador = new Controlador(repositorio);
Visao visao = new Visao(controlador);
Consider also, that the role of the Controller is to pass system events to the objects of the Model, that is, an action X in the GUI should be passed on to the Controller, which in turn will pass on to the Model.
One way to decouple a Vision from a Controller would be to extract a common interface for a Vision to implement, since the goal is to exchange / replace one Vision with another.
Question: Would it be correct to create an interface for both Vision and Control to implement?
public interface VisaoInterface {
void entrarAlgo(Integer algo);
public class Janela extends JFrame implements VisaoInterface{
// private Controller controller;
// ou a própria interface
private VisaoInterface controller;
public void entrarAlgo(Integer algo) {
// objetos GUI
private void ButtonEntrarAlgoActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
public class Controller implements VisaoInterface{
public void entrarAlgo(Integer algo) {