problems with PIC + SD + Excel


I'm having some problems here, what's happening is the following, I have a project that I need to simulate a school call on the PIC and make it save in Excel, the project requires that I can change the students' entrance and exit times , and also faults and presences, but I have not added that part since I am facing problems to make the pic save the call in excel, I made this array that would be where I would save the data of each student (Note, there are 32 students, I took the personal data as names and RG and left only the most futile things, but I believe that if I can do with 2, I can do with 32):

    const char *a[33][13] = {
    {"Numero:","Turma:","Aluno:","RG:","Entrada:","Saida:","Entrou:","Saiu:","Aula 1:","Aula 2:","Aula 3:","Aula 4:","Aula 5:"},

So I just wanted to save that in excel, and I made the code below for this ...

    /*funções e variáveis externas não influenciam na parte do Excel, são apenas para aplicações futuras, podendo registrar hoa de entrada e saida do aluno*/
    extern void leitura_i2c(), menufinal();
    extern char Entrou[6], Saiu[6], rfid[13];
    extern char segundos, minutos, horas, dia, semana, mes, ano, turma, nmr;
    extern unsigned short flags;
    extern const char *a[33][13];

    #define   txt           flags.B6

    char filename[11] = "DataXX.csv";
    char temp[17];
    //Aqui dentro da função Chamada é onde estou tendo problemas, não estou conseguindo fazer ele salvar no excel cada elemento da chamada(apenas ";" e "\r")
    void Chamada()
     int l,col;
     Mmc_Fat_Assign(&filename, 0xA0);
     Mmc_Fat_Set_File_Date(ano+2000, mes, semana, horas, minutos, segundos);

  menufinal(); //Apenas uma confirmação de finalização no display

    void Delete_File()
     Mmc_Fat_Assign(&filename, 0);

    short Test_File_Exist()
     return Mmc_Fat_Assign("DATA00.csv", 0);

   void Open_File_Read()
   unsigned long i, size;
   char caracter;
   Mmc_Fat_Assign(&filename, 0);
   for (i = 1; i <= size; i++)

But when I save, the variable temp is empty, as if I had not saved anything inside it, I put it because MickroC did not allow to use directly the variable of the call ... Software used is the MicroC Pro, PIC 18F4620. Any questions you may have, I need help with this.

asked by anonymous 25.11.2018 / 05:30

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