Calculate the difference between dates and time from the BD of the time fields and separate dates


Good morning, I am trying to create a code where I can tell how many days and hours on a date range are shown separately. type this:

Start time = 12:07:07 - Start Date = 10/15/2018 - Final Time = 12:07:08 - Final Date = 10/16/2018 - TEMPO = 24:00:01 - TOTAL DAYS = 01

Can anyone help me? I already tried everything I knew, I searched the internet and I was able to adapt to a code that only showed the range of hours, but I wanted to improve it to show the interval between the dates too.


follow the code below

      $entrada = $row_pesquisar['horainicio'];
      $saida = $row_pesquisar['horafinal'];
      $row_pesquisar1['horainicio'] = explode(":",$entrada);
      $row_pesquisar1['horafinal'] = explode(":",$saida);
      $acumulador1 = ($row_pesquisar1['horainicio'][0] * 3600) + ($row_pesquisar1['horainicio'][1] * 60) + $row_pesquisar1['horainicio'][2];
      $acumulador2 = ($row_pesquisar1['horafinal'][0] * 3600) + ($row_pesquisar1['horafinal'][1] * 60) + $row_pesquisar1['horafinal'][2];
      $resultado = $acumulador2 - $acumulador1;
      $hora_ponto = floor($resultado / 3600);
      $resultado = $resultado - ($hora_ponto * 3600);
      $min_ponto = floor($resultado / 60);
      $resultado = $resultado - ($min_ponto * 60);
      $secs_ponto = $resultado; 
      $tempo = $hora_ponto.":".$min_ponto.":".$secs_ponto;
      echo $tempo;
asked by anonymous 30.11.2018 / 04:24

1 answer


The code below should work as you need it:


    //Seta a data padrão pro php reconhecer o formato d/m/Y

    //Cria a data de inicio e fim convertendo a string em formato brasileiro pro formato americano
    $data_inicio = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('15-10-2018 12:07:07')));
    $data_final = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('16-10-2018 12:18:08')));

    //Pega a diferença das datas
    $diff = $data_final->diff($data_inicio);

    //Exibe resultado formatado

    echo $diff->format('TOTAL DE DIAS = %d');
    echo "<br>";

    //realiza o calculo pra pegar intervalo de horas
    echo "TEMPO = ". (($diff->d * 24) + $diff->h ) .':'. $diff->format('%i:%s');

Test online: link


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30.11.2018 / 11:35