For ordinary users I have 10 queries (nav-bar default) and for registered users I have 30 queries (nav-bar default + nav-bar related to the user page), just to print on the screen the link to querystrings , a guy told me that I should escape the values of the links of querystrings. I'm having a problem with Google Insights, my TTFB is at 0.29s-1.2s on the Desktop and 0.24s on the mobile devices.
This code below is like a "validator", when I create a page I need to insert into my table the título
, slug_link
and entry_type
that can be item
or pagina
, otherwise I can not open the page in the browser, it's fine, I think with that I gain some security against some kind of attack.
I'm thinking ... maybe I can insert into my table the título
/ slug_link
of my pages and use a variable for the links? For example: $slugHome = home
and in html I would do this: <a href="?p=<?php echo htmlentities($slugHome, \ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8', false); ?> ">Página Inicial </a>
, this way I do not need to make queries in my database for each menu item, I do not understand much about security, so I wanted to know the opinion of you.
What do I want to know: How can I safely (securely) print the menu links without doing so many queries?
This is the "validator" code, I also use these global variables. You will see the queries in the other snippet below:
$isItems = !empty($_GET['page']);
$slug = 'home';
if ($isItems) {
$slug = $_GET['page'];
} elseif (!empty($_GET['p'])) {
$slug = $_GET['p'];
try {
$stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT 'id', 'title', 'dropmenuGenero', 'epTitle', 'itemName', 'letra', 'data', 'datePublished', 'descricao', 'capa', 'epCapa', 'alt', 'audio', 'qualidade', 'tipo', 'epNum', 'keywords', 'item', 'dateModified', 'slug_url', 'slugForitemPage', 'slug_link', 'entry_type', 'formato', 'status' FROM 'table_item' WHERE 'slug_link' = :slug_link AND 'entry_type' = :entry_type');
':entry_type' => $isItems ? 'item' : 'pagina',
':slug_link' => $slug
if (!$NF = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Items title ' . htmlentities($title, \ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false) . ' not found in database');
$id = $NF['id'];
$title = $NF['title'];
$epTitle = $NF['epTitle'];
$itemName = $NF['itemName'];
$letra = $NF['letra'];
$data = $NF['data'];
$datePublished = $NF['datePublished'];
$dateModified = $NF['dateModified'];
$descricao = $NF['descricao'];
$capa = $NF['capa'];
$epCapa = $NF['epCapa'];
$alt = $NF['alt'];
$audio = $NF['audio'];
$qualidade = $NF['qualidade'];
$tipo = $NF['tipo'];
$epNum = $NF['epNum'];
$keywords = $NF['keywords'];
$url = $NF['slug_url'];
$dropmenuGenero = $NF['dropmenuGenero'];
$slug = $NF['slug_link'];
$slugForitemPage = $NF['slugForitemPage'];
$entry_type = $NF['entry_type'];
$formato = $NF['formato'];
$status = $NF['status'];
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
header('Location: ?p=home');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
header('Location: error.php?e=Algo deu errado :/');
throw $e;
function sanitize($data, $filter = \FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) {
if ($data = filter_var(trim($data), $filter)) {
$data = preg_replace('/http(s)?:\/\//', '', $data);
return $data;
$loadPage = null;
if ($sanitizedName = sanitize($isItem ? $title : $slug)) {
$loadPageSuffix = ($isItem ? '/items/' : '/page_');
$loadPage = __DIR__ . $loadPageSuffix . $sanitizedName . '.php';
if (null === $loadPage || !is_file($loadPage)) {
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
These are just 3 queries out of 30, just to display the links that are in the nav-bar. There are many queries just for a menu ...
titleHome = 'Página Inicial';
$pageHome = $conn->prepare("SELECT 'title', 'slug_link' FROM 'table_tudo' WHERE 'title' = :title");
$pageHome->bindParam(':title', $titleHome, PDO::PARAM_STR);
<?php foreach($pageHome as list($pageTitle, $pageSlug)) { ?>
<li class="nav-item pr-2 navbarItem">
<a class="nav-link" href="?p=<?php echo htmlentities($pageSlug, \ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false); ?>"><?php echo htmlentities($pageTitle, \ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false); ?></a>
<?php } ?>
query for dropdows-menus:
$titleListaDropDown = 'Lista de Items';
$pageListDropDown = $conn->prepare("SELECT 'title', 'slug_link' FROM 'table_tudo' WHERE 'title' = :title");
$pageListDropDown->bindParam(':title', $titleListaDropDown, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$entry_typePageList = 'pagina';
$pageList = $conn->prepare("SELECT 'dropmenuList', 'slug_link' FROM 'table_tudo' WHERE 'entry_type' = :entry_type AND 'dropmenuList' IS NOT NULL");
$pageList->bindParam(':entry_type', $entry_typePageList, PDO::PARAM_STR);
<?php foreach($pageListDropDown as list($pageTitleLDD, $pageSlugLDD)) { ?>
<li class="nav-item dropdown pr-2 navbarItem ">
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdownMenuLink" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<?php echo htmlentities($pageTitleLDD, \ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false); ?>
<div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownMenuLink">
<?php foreach ($pageList as list($pageTitleL, $pageSlugL)): ?>
<a class="dropdown-item" href="?p=<?php echo htmlentities($pageSlugL, \ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false); ?>"><?php echo htmlentities($pageTitleL, \ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false); ?></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php } ?>