Problems writing two information in the same array position


Well, I'm developing an app with ionic 3 . I am facing problems, as I need to show the product and its value in the same column:


Product - 350 (value)

But, it is storing in position 1, the product, and in position 2 its value.

Follow the code TS :

  for (let i = 0; i <= this.vetValores.length; i++) {

    if (this.vetValores.indexOf(element, this.valTot)) {
      this.vetValores.push(element, this.valTot);
      this.vetValores[i + 1];

Code HTML :

            <ion-item *ngFor="let prod of vetValores">
                  {{prod}} {{prod.valTot}} 

asked by anonymous 05.12.2018 / 16:25

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