Write data list in firebase (Real Time)


Well, I'm developing an app with ionic 3+ firebase. I am facing a problem: I can not write a list of data. Here is the code:

      dataPag: pedido.dataPag,
      tipo: pedido.tipo,
      qtde: pedido.qtde,
      pv: pedido.pv,
      desc: pedido.desc,
      valTot: pedido.valTot,
      cliente: pedido.cliente,
      produto: pedido.produto,
      total: pedido.total,
      formaPag: pedido.formaPag, 
      listaProd: pedido.vetCarrinho

It displays an error with the "Carriage" field, and all others usually write to the bank.

asked by anonymous 29.11.2018 / 16:48

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