After installing Silex
and reading some articles about Symfony 2
, I came to a nice conclusion.
By default, only Symfony 2
can be included in the chave/valor
It's like it's meant to be used like this:
$app['session']->set('nome', 'Wallace');
$app['session']->set('idade', '24 anos');
But through a class called Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Attribute\NamespacedAttributeBag
, which is present in the vendor
folder (which is part of Silex
pendencies), we can use Session
similarly to Namespace
of PHP. >
See test that I performed as an example:
include_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Attribute\NamespacedAttributeBag;
$app = new Silex\Application();
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\SessionServiceProvider());
$app->get('/hello/{name}', function ($name) use ($app) {
// defino o valor que será utilizado como namespace
$bag = new NamespacedAttributeBag('container');
// adicionamos a instância da Bag
// definimos os valores do container
$app['session']->set('container/nome', 'Wallace');
$app['session']->set('container/idade', '24 anos');
$data = $app['session']->get('container');
//Resultado: array(2) { ["nome"]=> string(7) "Wallace" ["idade"]=> string(7) "24 anos" }
return '';
That is:
$app['session']->set('container/nome', 'wallace');
is the same as:
$_SESSION['container']['nome'] = 'Wallace';
To end the day, I hope this helps!
1- How do I add more values in this session? Ex. City = > São Paulo
$app['session']->set('container/cidade', 'São Paulo');
2- How do I change for example the age from 21 to 30?
$app['session']->set('container/idade', '21');
echo $app['session']->get('container/idade'); // 21
$app['session']->set('container/idade', '30'); // define um novo valor
3- How do I delete something? ex: name
4- How do I test if the key is created? Ex: If I want to test if the age key is set.
And finally, to access the array with all the data