Freight Calculation SIGEP-PHP


I'm using a PHP library available at link

At the moment I want to test only the example calPrecoPrazo.php

require_once __DIR__ . '/bootstrap-exemplos.php';

$dimensao = new \PhpSigep\Model\Dimensao();
$dimensao->setAltura(15); // em centímetros
$dimensao->setComprimento(17); // em centímetros
$dimensao->setLargura(12); // em centímetros

$params = new \PhpSigep\Model\CalcPrecoPrazo();
$params->setAccessData(new \PhpSigep\Model\AccessDataHomologacao());
$params->setPeso(0.150);// 150 gramas

$phpSigep = new PhpSigep\Services\SoapClient\Real();
$result = $phpSigep->calcPrecoPrazo($params);


In the following line, I define the post service, but the function used passes all available services and I wanted to pass only a specific service, such as the PAC.

$ params-> setServicesPosition (\ PhpSigep \ Model \ ServiceService :: getAll ());

asked by anonymous 05.12.2018 / 21:32

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