I can not in any way make this command work in dcef4, can any good soul tell me how I do?
crm.Browser.MainFrame.ExecuteJavaScript ('document.getElementById ("signIn"). click ();', '', 0);
I'm using this function that works, plus I need a way to get the x, y coordinates of the page object's screen to be able to send to the procedure, but I do not know how to do this. I would like that when the program is minimized, the code sends the correct coordinates of the object as it could cause problems if minimized and maximized.
procedimento Simulate_Mouse_Click (X: string; Y: string);
MouseEvent: TCefMouseEvent;
KeyEvent: TCefKeyEvent;
MouseEvent.x: = strtoint (X) +5;
MouseEvent.y:= strtoint (y) +5;
MiniBrowserFrm.Chromium1.Browser.Host.SendFocusEvent (true);
MiniBrowserFrm.Chromium1.Browser.Host.SendMouseClickEvent (PCefMouseEvent (@MouseEvent), MBT_LEFT, false, 1);
MiniBrowserFrm.Chromium1.Browser.Host.SendMouseClickEvent (PCefMouseEvent (@MouseEvent), MBT_LEFT, true, 1);
Simulate_Mouse_Click ('727', '738');