Friends made an App for my wife that is nothing more than a calendar that stores the eyelash Extensions calls she makes, I use the Firebase RealTime Database, however over time the stored and returned data has been increasing, causing I am trying to get the data in an AsyncTask and even though it is heavy, I also tried to perform a local DB insertion with SQLite, so nothing, could friends help me?
Taking advantage, I search the bank every month selected in the calendar, so to fill all events, is it necessary to do this search every change or am I wrong? Maybe that's what slows down the process ..
Here are my search and insertion methods in the calendar:
private void buscaAtendimentosParaCalendario(String mesAnoSelecionado) {
System.out.println("Buscou eventos do calendario!!!");
String idUsuario = retornaIdUsuario();
usuarioRef = databaseRef.child("atendimento")
valueEventListenerUsuarioRef = usuarioRef.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
for (DataSnapshot dados : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
Atendimento atendimento = dados.getValue(Atendimento.class);
saldoMensal = saldoMensal + atendimento.getValor();
System.out.println("Busquei atendimento para o calendário");
System.out.println("dia da semana ===== >>>" + atendimento.getDiaDaSemana() + " Dia do mes == " + atendimento.getDia());
String textoData = atendimento.getData();
String dataArray[] = textoData.split("/");
diaInseridoNoCalendario = CalendarDay.from(Integer.valueOf(dataArray[2]),
Integer.valueOf(dataArray[1]) - 1,
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
private void selecionaMesAtendimento() {
calendarView.setOnMonthChangedListener(new OnMonthChangedListener() {
public void onMonthChanged(MaterialCalendarView materialCalendarView, CalendarDay calendarDay) {
String mesSelecionado = String.format("%d", (calendarDay.getMonth() + 1));
mesAnoSelecionado = String.valueOf(mesSelecionado + "" + calendarDay.getYear());
public void insereEventoNoCalendario(CalendarDay calendarDay) {
calendarView.addDecorators(new EventDecorator(getResources().getColor(R.color.colorPrimary), data));