Enabling in Swagger operations already Authenticated (Net.Framework, not Asp.Net.Core)


I have a project in WebAPI in Net Framework Full (it is not ASPNET Core ), with Swagger already configured and I have already read numerous tutorials on the Internet, but nothing I did worked out. What I need is that Swagger operations are already logged with token , instead of displaying the following Authorization has been denied for this request. message.

I have OAuth set already generating token and made changes in SwaggerConfig.cs , but did not work.

follows what I thought:

 .Description("OAuth2 Implicit Grant")

in the end this file:

    clientId: "CIH",
    clientSecret: "CIH123",
    realm: "test-realm",
    appName: "Swagger UI"
    //additionalQueryStringParams: new Dictionary<string, string>() 
       { "foo", "bar" } 

But nothing worked, how could you do that?

asked by anonymous 10.12.2018 / 13:35

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