Hello, I'm not very familiar with this type of return on a SoapClient request (by the way, I'm not very familiar with SOAP). The return has an element "example"], and when I try to read the file, it prints all in a single string.
$url = "http://localhost:12/mtd1/mtd.asmx?wsdl";
$clientSoap = new SoapClient($url, array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_2));
$params = array('Usuario'=>'user', 'Senha'=>'1234', 'limite'=>$ultima);
$positions = $clientSoap->BuscaEventos($params);
It returns something like:
<![CDATA[<TeleEvento> <NumeroSequencia>1010</NumeroSequencia></TeleEvento>]]
When listing the child elements of the SearchIndex tag, it returns a unique string eliminating the children. Can anyone help me with this "problem"?