Hello, good afternoon.
I'm trying to make a connection to the oracle database, but when I run my script it gives this error of No module named 'cx_Oracle'. But I have this installed on the machine and I'm using python 3.6. Does anyone know how to fix this?
import cx_Oracle
uid = "user" # usuário
pwd = "pwd" # senha
db = "(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = UBR001001-125)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=corps0))) " #string de conexão do Oracle, configurado no
# cliente Oracle, arquivo TNSNAMES.ORA
connection = cx_Oracle.connect(uid+"/"+pwd+"@"+db) #cria a conexão
cursor = connection.cursor() # cria um cursor
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM TAB") # consulta sql
result = cursor.fetchone() # busca o resultado da consulta
if result == None:
print ("Nenhum Resultado")
while result:
print (result[0])
result = cursor.fetchone()
This is the code I'm trying to execute. My cx_Oracle is version 7.0 and I already have the environment variable set.