I want to get the result of a Select to use in JavaScript


I want to get the option chosen by the person and simply print on the screen (it's just the basics, so I can do what I really want), I just do not know how to do it. The part of the HTML code that has {{value}} is where I want to appear what was selected in the choice box.Obs, I need this information to be able to use in JavaScript code and not in HTML, type of choice do something different in JS ... My code below:


    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.9/angular.min.js"></script><scriptsrc="java.js"></script>
<body ng-app="pag" ng-controller = "botao">

    <div ng-repeat = "fig in figuras">
            <option ng-model = "escolha" Ng-repeat = "x in name">{{x}}</option>
        <caixa ng-repeat = "ponto in fig.pontos">
            <input type = "text" ng-model="ponto.x" size = "5">
        <button  ng-click="mais()" >Adicionar mais</button>

    valor: {{ valor }}



class Ponto {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

class Figura {
        this.pontos = [];
        this.pontos.push(new Ponto());
        this.pontos.push(new Ponto());

var pag = angular.module('pag', [])
    $scope.name = ["Linha","circulo"]
    $scope.mais = function(){
        f1 = new Figura();
asked by anonymous 03.01.2019 / 22:46

2 answers


The simplest way is to use the two way data binding , which would be two-way communication, ie the HTML changes the variable in JavaScript, and changes in the JavaScript variable also changes the HTML

In HTML, you need to start the application ( ng-app ), the controller ( ng-controller ), and add the ng-model attribute to the select tag (not option ). Attention, it is necessary to prefix the variables, both in ng-model and HTML interpolation ( {{ }} ) with the name of the control, which can be dubbed with as in your declaration

<html ng-app="app">
    <!-- Importa os scripts necessários -->
<body ng-controller="exemplo as ex">
    <select ng-model="ex.escolha">
        <option value="op1">Op 1</option>
        <option value="op2">Op 2</option>
        <option value="op3">Op 3</option>

In Javascript just start the application, create a controller by passing a constructor function and set the variable

    .module('app', [])
    .controller('exemplo', function() {
        this.escolha = "op2"; //Valor padrão

This is just a simple example

03.01.2019 / 23:11

So I understand you have a list of figures and want to add values to this list from the options of a selectbox.

In this case, it would be best to use "ng-options" inside the "select" tag. Thus, the "ng-model" would change its value whenever the user chose an option, according to the code below:


<html ng-app="myApp">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.6/angular.min.js"></script></head><bodyng-controller="myController">
    <select ng-model="escolha" ng-options="item for item in opcoes">
        <option value="">Escolha uma opção</option>

    <button ng-click="maisFiguras()">Adicionar</button>
    <p>{{ Opção do usuário: " + escolha }}</p>
    <p>{{ "Figuras: " + opcoes}}</p>

        var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
        app.controller("myController", function($scope){
            $scope.opcoes = ["Linha","Circulo","Quadrado"];

            $scope.maisFiguras = function(){
07.01.2019 / 17:58