Visual to zoom in / out using Google Maps API v3


I'm using the Maps API v3 but one of the effects I see on the Google page I'm not able to reproduce.

This effect is the visual aid to zoom in / out, when you zoom in the Google Maps page there will be 4 animated red corners (closing or opening depending on whether the zoom is in or out) but by the API this effect does not appear .

How to make it available?

asked by anonymous 03.02.2014 / 03:55

1 answer


If this effect is not available in the API, and you're sure you checked up on the latest versions to see if it's some new functionality, I'll explain one way to do that.

  • Add an event that fires when there is zoomIn and zoomOut
  • Detect the current mouse position on the screen
  • Display an animated gif, which would have exactly the same functionality as Google offers, with the difference of images for zoomIn and zoomOut
  • There may be other ways to do this, but the way I'm talking about it, if it's not made available via API, will certainly work.

    03.02.2014 / 08:30