Problem with Form (Select)


I have in the system a Select where the user can select a store and next to a date and with that generate graphics.


<div class="form-group col-lg-4">
<label for="loja" class="control-label" >Loja:</label>
    <select id="loja_dash" name="loja_dash" class="form-control selectpicker show-tick show-tick selecionado" data-live-search="true">
        <option value="SELECIONAR_LOJA">Selecione uma Loja...</option>
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($_SESSION["SESSION_Emp_Combo"]); $i++){
                $selectedEmp = "";
                if ($_SESSION["SESSION_Count_Emp_Combo"] == 1) { 
                    $selectedEmp = 'selected';    
        <option value="<?php echo $_SESSION["SESSION_Emp_Combo"][$i]['EMP'].'|'. $_SESSION["SESSION_Emp_Combo"][$i]['DSEMP']; ?>" <?php echo $selectedEmp; ?> >
            <?php echo $_SESSION["SESSION_Emp_Combo"][$i]['DSEMP']." "."[".$_SESSION["SESSION_Emp_Combo"][$i]['EMP']."]"; ?>
            }//fim do for

What might be happening to the list not working?

Note: I used another type of Select and it worked normally, but this other type does not have the ability to filter by typing some word of any item.

Obs2: To generate the graphs, it is necessary to use, if I comment on this line, the graphs will disappear, but the select will work.

asked by anonymous 04.01.2019 / 19:36

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