How to convert pixels to RGBA for characters?


Having access to the pixels of any image through the SFML library, my goal is to capture them and convert them to characters by placing them in a new array (image) and then displaying it. For this I checked the size of the image:

sf::Vector2u tam = imagem.getSize();
int largura = tam.x;
int altura  = tam.y;

To capture the RGB format, use the following code:

// O ponteiro dos pixel originais em RGBA.
const sf::Uint8* pixels = imagem.getPixelsPtr();

Pixel* rgba = (Pixel*) pixels;
// Vetor que armazenará os pixels.
sf::Uint8* saida = new sf::Uint8[4 * largura * altura];

int tamanho = 4 * largura * altura;

for (int i = 0; i < tamanho; i++)
saida[i] = pixels[i];

What I'm doing is creating a vector that is receiving RGBA, but still no conversion to characters, and this is one of my doubts how is a vector how will I control when it should break the line to form the correct image? Home Would not it be better to do with an array?
My other question is how do I convert these pixels into characters?

I tried this way, but to no avail:

for (int i = 0; i < tamanho; i++)
if (atriz[i][j]>=9,4*8)
saida[i] = '@';
asked by anonymous 13.05.2014 / 23:28

1 answer


If you want a one-character-per-pixel relationship, you should break the line every%% of characters, where x is the width of the image. Consider inserting into the vector a line break at multiple indexes of x . Or, as you yourself say, use an array.

Already to convert a pixel directly to a character - in this case, you may end up getting bizarre images that do not look anything like the original, depending on the details. As far as I know, programs that transform an animated video or GIF into an animated ASCII art use shape analysis to transform regions of the image into specific sets of characters, ie: a black pixel surrounded on the left by three white pixels 0 pair and 1 for black because I could not draw with HTML):


It can turn into something like:

| --- | | - ||||


/ - |
| - |||

Depending on the filter used.

13.05.2014 / 23:44