Boolean Array in Grid


Hello, I'm making a kind of simcity and had the problem that when I draw I could draw the road over again. So I solved this by creating a Boolean Array when drawing that area of the grid gets true and can no longer draw on it. But the problem that has arisen is that instead of each square I switch, I can no longer draw in the entire column. Here the code: link

asked by anonymous 05.08.2014 / 23:53

1 answer


I understand that you have created the variable grid_type to control if the block has already been clicked, but it only marks the line, you must add an array inside each row to also register the column:

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
    var context = canvas.getContext("2d");

    // Mouse
    var mouse_x = 0;
    var mouse_y = 0;
    var mouse_pressed = false;
    var linha = 20;
    var coluna = 20;
    var grid_x = [];
    var grid_y = [];
    var grid_h = 40;
    var grid_w = 40;
    var grid_type = [];
//Funções de Draw
function dR(x,y,w,h,c)
        context.fillStyle = c;
    function dRs(x,y,w,h,l,s)
        context.lineWidth= l;
        context.strokeStyle= s;
    //Evento do Mouse
    function mouseMove(e)
        if(e.offsetX) {
            mouse_x = e.offsetX;
            mouse_y = e.offsetY;
        else if(e.layerX) {
            mouse_x = e.layerX;
            mouse_y = e.layerY;
    var _mouseUp = function(e)
        mouse_pressed = false;
    var _mouseDown = function(e)
        mouse_pressed = true;
    canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove);
    function grid()
        for(var i = 0;i < linha;i++)
            grid_type[i] = new Array(coluna); // ao inicio de cada linha, criar o array para a coluna
            for (var n = 0;n < coluna;n++)
                grid_x[i] = i * 40;
                grid_y[n] = n * 40;
                grid_type[i][n] = false; // setar como false na linha e na coluna
    function Estrada()
        //Desenha Estrada
        for(var i = 0;i < linha;i++) // mudei de 400 para o numero de linhas
            for (var n = 0;n < coluna;n++) // mudei de 400 para o numero de colunas
                if(mouse_x >= grid_x[i] && mouse_x <= grid_x[i] + grid_w && mouse_y >= grid_y[n] && mouse_y <= grid_y[n] + grid_h && mouse_pressed && !grid_type[i][n]) // verificar se linha e coluna é false
                    mouse_pressed = false;
                    grid_type[i][n] = true; // setar como true a linha e coluna clicada
    function loop()
06.08.2014 / 01:31