Deploy with Capistrano


I have to run my rails app on a machine and the DBMS (in this case PostgreSQL) on another server.

I configured database.yml as follows:

<<: *default
database: nomedobanco
username: username
password: senha
host:[poderia aqui colocar ip interno?]

And the desploy.rb:

server "", :web, :app
server "", :db,primary:true

When I deploy error occurs:


[out ::] Gem :: Installer :: ExtensionBuildError:   ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension

Why this error?

asked by anonymous 29.05.2014 / 00:09

1 answer


Some gems need to be compiled locally along with native libraries. The error message is saying that one of these gems was not installed right there on your deploy server.

Capistrano deploy has a step where it runs bundle install and that's when it installs new gems that you've added to Gemfile. This step has failed.

My suggestion. Log in to your server and try to run bundle install there to see the error. Or if you already have the error post here.

Normally these errors occur because some library is missing from your deploy machine. If you analyze the error message you should find out. So just use sudo apt-get install to install (if it's linux, but I'm assuming it is)

22.03.2015 / 21:27