I have a problem in a programming project. The program asks for the following:
This is a Question Database (for example, an ENEM, or Vestibular).
- I need to do some commands like add students, teachers, tell who you are, and if you do not 'add' it, but that part is already done. I made ArrayList, for both (any suggestions? I'm open to anything!)
I need to add questions if you are a teacher. I made a teacher variable, which is
, and can "register" in the program as one, or with a student. However, how do Iarray
increase in size when the teacher adds new questions? I've done array of two dimensions, because I need to add questions for each year (Philosophy [QUESTION] [YEAR], Philosophy [3] [0], Philosophy [3] [1], Philosophy [3] [2] , different issues, from different years!) . Also, as far as the answers to each question are concerned, I made another array that has the same size as the questions, which corresponds to it, for example, an array of Sociology, with X questions for the 3 years, I I made another, of answers, with the X questions, with each answer separated each with a '|', for each year.
Any suggestions? package final
package projetofinal;
public class provaQuestoes {
String[][] Biology = new String[0][3];
String[][] BiologyAnswer = new String[0][3];
//Claro que, para cada matéria, mas esse é só um exemplo
String questionBiology(int year, int question){
return Biology [year][question];
}//Cada matéria tem um método que faz isso
void chooseSubject(int y, int subject, int question){
case 1:
questionBiology(question, y);
// Cada matéria tem um valor que corresponde a um método que envia uma pergunta,
// porquê eu preciso também que eu crie um teste para o aluno,
// mas isso é para depois
void addQuestion(int subject, String question, String answers,int y){
case 1:
\insira o código aqui
This is a class that has all the subjects of each year. The main is another class, where I made a "decorated" menu, all in text, with a case, which allows user registration (student / teacher), entry as one of these two, with name registration, question record and other things.