How to load a RecycleView with a list?


I have a List loaded with a JSON from a multi-column and multi-column query:

List<Videos> lstVideos = new ArrayList<Videos>();

So far so good. What I need is to load RecycleView with this list. In this RecycleView you will have a layout configuration similar to this:

Imagem        Titulo do Video


Imagem        Titulo do Video


Imagem        Titulo do Video


How can I do this?

Can you give me some example code, tutorial, video, whatever it is that allows me to do something like that? Many thanks for all the help.

asked by anonymous 18.02.2015 / 17:24

1 answer


Dude, check out the official android documentation, follow the link:


Use google and look for some tutorial, try adjusting the layout according to your need.

19.02.2015 / 17:19