Alternating Web Pages Every Time


Good morning!

We have two panels in two different ASP pages. We need in panel 1 and panel 2 there is some way to call each other every so long. Is there some way maybe with JAVASCRIPT?


Panel 1 is 3 minutes showing on the TV in the sector and after 3 minutes it will go to panel 2. This will be for example 30 seconds and will return to the first one. Is there any way to do this?

asked by anonymous 17.07.2015 / 16:57

1 answer


In panel 1 you add this to the header:

<meta http-equiv="refresh"content="180; url=http://ENDERECODOPAINEL2.COM">

In Panel 2 you add this to the header:

<meta http-equiv="refresh"content="30; url=http://ENDERECODOPAINEL1.COM">
17.07.2015 / 18:50