Can I become a programmer by studying Python using QPython? [closed]


For example, if possible make money. I have QPython version 2.7 and 3

asked by anonymous 26.07.2015 / 17:53

1 answer


Yes you can. Especially if you consider that making programs makes the person a programmer.

Becoming a quality programmer is something else. It is a long and dedicated process. Thing that few people do. Yet many of them manage to make money from it and even find themselves "professional" programmers. In a sense they really are, since they get paid for the work. Some people delude themselves as well. Making money or not involves another skill.

But be clear that being a programmer is not just learning a programming language. Get ready for hard work, study, or be prepared to be considered a misleader in the industry. What will not make you run out of work, even if it is a low quality one.

But answering your question objectively, QPython is one of the implementations of the Python language that allows you to make applications for Android. It's a way to do this. As far as I know there are limitations at the moment. I would say that few people with experience in the field would use such a product to do something serious now. Maybe to start learning to serve.

Some will say that it is not the most recommended, but if this is what you want to start, you can go ahead that is technically possible, just dedicate. But consider looking for alternatives. To start doing something you have no idea what it is, just because it has it at its disposal is to start well wrong.

If you want to do something serious, the path is different, perhaps using the traditional Python implementation.

26.07.2015 / 19:58