I'm using a combobox component with Dapper , but I'm not able to fill in the combobox correctly,
LookUpEdit ctlControle = (LookUpEdit) pr_Controle;
var parametro = new DynamicParameters();
parametro.Add("@TABELA_NOME", pr_TabelaNome);
parametro.Add("@TABELA_CAMPO_VALOR", pr_CampoValor);
parametro.Add("@TABELA_CAMPO_DISPLAY", pr_CampoDisplay);
ctlControle.Properties.DataSource = acessoDados.criarConexao().Query("PRP_PREENCHER_COMBO", parametro, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
ctlControle.Properties.ValueMember = pr_CampoValor;
ctlControle.Properties.DisplayMember = pr_CampoDisplay;
So when adding to the datasource it fills in erroneously putting all the fields on the same line as devexpress lookupedit in>). How can I do this?