I'm working on the IntelXDK IDE, and I use the IndexedDB to persist some files. When emulating the project in the IDE, everything works perfect, it makes the connection, it brings all the data, everything works. When I generate my APK, and install it on a smartphone running with android 4.2, it does the part of going on the server and checking the data but when I need to go to the internal bank of the application it can not access.
I have identified that it is not even entering the database initialization area. I check the log and nothing wrong happens.
How to check this problem, initially thought it was space in the cell, but I tested it in another and it did not work either.
The beginning of my code is as follows.
//provide database name and version number
var request = indexedDB.open("DB_MINHACELULA", 1);
var db = null;
function DeletaBanco(){
var bdDeleta = indexedDB.deleteDatabase("DB_MINHACELULA");
bdDeleta.onerror = function(event) {
console.log("Error " + event.target.errorCode);
bdDeleta.onsuccess = function(event) {
console.log("Deletado com sucesso!");
request.onupgradeneeded = function(){
db = request.result;
var logado= db.createObjectStore("tbl_USUAR_LOGAD", {keyPath: "COD_IDENT_USUAR"});
logado.createIndex("COD_IDENT_USUAR", "COD_IDENT_USUAR", {unique: true});
logado.createIndex("TXT_EMAIL_USUAR", "TXT_EMAIL_USUAR", {unique: false});
logado.createIndex("TXT_SENHA_USUAR", "TXT_SENHA_USUAR", {unique: false});
As no mistake, I can not bring any more specific information, because I can not debug the code, could anyone help me with anything?