Research developed in AngularJS


I'm completely "zero" in angularJS and need to improve the search functionality on this link site that was not developed by me.

At this point the search is "stuck" to the list of features that hang over the search box, not allowing a free search.

Search Code

public function querySearch()
    $query = Product::selectAll()->groupBy('');

    if (Input::get('purpose'))
        $purpose_id = Input::get('purpose');
        $query->join('product_purpose', function($join) use($purpose_id)
            $join->on('product_purpose.product_id', '=', '')
                 ->where('purpose_id', '=', $purpose_id);

    if (Input::get('category'))
        $query->where('category_id', Input::get('category'));

    $available_filters = array_keys(Product::allFilters());
    foreach ($available_filters as $filter)
        if (Input::has($filter))
            switch ($filter)
                case 'color' :

                    $colors = explode(',', Input::get('color'));
                    foreach ($colors as $i => $color)
                        $alias = "color_product_$i";
                        $query->join("color_product as $alias", function($join) use($color, $alias)
                                    $join->on("$alias.product_id", '=', '')
                                         ->where("$alias.color_id", '=', $color);


                case 'pattern' :

                    $patterns = explode(',', Input::get('pattern'));
                    foreach ($patterns as $i => $pattern)
                        $alias = "pattern_product_$i";
                        $query->join("pattern_product as $alias", function($join) use($pattern, $alias)
                                    $join->on("$alias.product_id", '=', '')
                                         ->where("$alias.pattern_id", '=', $pattern);


                case 'width' :

                    $widths = array_map(function($width)
                            return (string)bcdiv($width, 100, 2);

                        }, explode(',', Input::get('width')));

                    $first_width = array_shift($widths);
                    $query->where(function($query) use($first_width, $widths)
                        $query->where('dimension_x', $first_width);
                        foreach ($widths as $width)
                            $query->orWhere('dimension_x', $width);


                case 'attribute' :

                    $attributes = explode(',', Input::get('attribute'));
                    foreach ($attributes as $i => $attribute)
                        $alias = "attribute_product_$i";
                        $query->join("attribute_product as $alias", function($join) use($attribute, $alias)
                                    $join->on("$alias.product_id", '=', '')
                                         ->where("$alias.attribute_id", '=', $attribute);


                case 'keyword' :

                    $keywords = explode(',', Input::get('keyword'));
                    foreach ($keywords as $i => $keyword)
                        $alias = "keyword_product_$i";
                        $query->join("keyword_product as $alias", function($join) use($keyword, $alias)
                                    $join->on("$alias.product_id", '=', '')
                                         ->where("$alias.keyword_id", '=', $keyword);


                case 'name' :

                    $names = explode(',', Input::get('name'));
                    $first_name = array_shift($names);
                    $query->where(function($query) use($first_name, $names)
                        $query->where('name', $first_name);
                        foreach ($names as $name)
                            $query->orWhere('name', $name);


                case 'ref' :

                    $refs = explode(',', Input::get('ref'));
                    $first_ref = array_shift($refs);
                    $query->where(function($query) use($first_ref, $refs)
                        $query->where('ref', $first_ref);
                        foreach ($refs as $ref)
                            $query->orWhere('ref', $ref);


    // Price filter
    if (Input::has('min'))
        $query->where('price_in_cents', '>=', Input::get('min')*100);
    if (Input::has('max'))
        $query->where('price_in_cents', '<=', Input::get('max')*100);

    if (Input::get('sales'))

    $items = $query->where('active', true)
                   ->orderBy('updated_on_remote', 'desc')
                   ->orderBy('ref', 'asc')


    return $items;

public function search()
    $items = $this->querySearch();

    Session::put('', Input::get('limit', 24));

    return View::make('', compact('items'));

I want to change the search to be fulltext search, since at the moment I have a field in the products table with all the words that really matter that are searchable.

asked by anonymous 14.10.2015 / 13:43

1 answer


If I understand correctly, you want a fulltext search (for any attribute related to an object that is on screen).

With angular this is very simple, in this example there is also the possibility of ordering

function ShoppingCartCtrl($scope)  {
        $scope.items = [
			{Name: "Soap", Price: "25", Quantity: "10"},
			{Name: "Shaving cream", Price: "50", Quantity: "15"},
			{Name: "Shampoo", Price: "100", Quantity: "5"}
		$scope.mySortFunction = function(item) {
				return item[$scope.sortExpression];
			return parseInt(item[$scope.sortExpression]);
.bold { font-weight:bold; }

table td{
    padding: 10px;

table th{
    font-weight: bold;
    text-align: center;
<script src=""></script><divng-app><spanclass="bold">Demonstrating filtering and sorting using Angular JS</span>
    <br /><br />
        <div ng-controller="ShoppingCartCtrl">        
            <div>Sort by: 
            <select ng-model="sortExpression">
					<option value="Name">Name</option>
					<option value="Price">Price</option>
					<option value="Quantity">Quantity</option>
			<br />
			<div><strong>Filter Results</strong></div>
					<td>By Any: </td>
					<td><input type="text" ng-model="search.$" /></td>
					<td>By Name: </td>
					<td><input type="text" ng-model="search.Name" /></td>
					<td>By Price: </td>
					<td><input type="text" ng-model="search.Price" /></td>
					<td>By Quantity: </td>
					<td><input type="text" ng-model="search.Quantity" /></td>
            <br />
            <table border="1">
					<tr ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy:mySortFunction | filter:search">
						<td>{{item.Price | currency}}</td>
			<br />

Now you need to analyze what the actual search needs are. The more information you need, the more this search will take.

14.10.2015 / 17:48