I'm pulling data from a table in sqlsrv to a table html, because I need to frequently edit this data in that table. So I created a php function edit to edit the table row in another page only that is not working does not return me nor one value. Here's code I've done so far:
Page to edit:
include_once ('../controller/progControle.php');
include_once ('../model/Prog.php');
include_once ('../DAO/progDAO.php');
$controller = new Comando($conn);
$id = "";
$NrPlaca = "";
$DsMotorista = "";
$id = $_GET['id'];
$results = $controller->listar($id);
$NrPlaca = $results->getplaca();
$DsMotorista = $results->getmot();
<form action="../controller/progPrecontrole.php" method="POST" onsubmit="return valid();">
<div class="row">
<div class="large- 12 medium-12 small-12 columns">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>"/>
<p>Placa:</p><input type="text" id="placa" name="placa" value="<?php echo $NrPlaca; ?>"/>
<p>Motorista:</p><input type="text" id="mot" name="mot" value="<?php echo $DsMotorista; ?>"/>
<div class="small-12 columns">
<input type="submit" class="alert button"/>
<a class="secondary button" href="programacao.php"> Voltar </a>
Table where you receive a select of the database data:
include_once ('../controller/progControle.php');
include_once ('../model/Prog.php');
include_once ('../DAO/progDAO.php');
$controller = new Comando($conn);
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<div class="fixed">
<nav class="top-bar" data-topbar="">
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<a href="Home.php"><img src="../Img/log.jpg" ></a>
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<form method="POST" action="../controller/progPrecontrole.php">
<div class="large-12 columns">
<table class="borda">
<th> </th>
<th class="t">BITRUCK</th>
<th class="t">Motorista</th>
<th class="t">Data Saída</th>
<th class="t">Origem</th>
<th class="t">Destino</th>
<th class="t">Prev. Cheg. Dest</th>
<th class="t">Carga/Manifesto</th>
<th class="t">Adiantamento Fincanceiro</th>
<th class="t">Agendas</th>
<th class="t">Malote</th>
foreach ($controller->ListaPorTipoB() as $objProg) {
<td> <a href="edita.php?id=<?php echo $objProg->getid();?>"> <p> Editar </p> </a> </td>
<td ><p><?php echo $objProg->getplaca(); ?></p></td>
<td ><p><?php echo $objProg->getmot(); ?></p></td>
<td><div>Set in the year 0 F.E. ("Foundation Era"), The Psychohistorians opens on Trantor, the capital of the 12,000-year-old Galactic Empire. Though the empire appears stable and powerful, it is slowly decaying in ways that parallel the decline of the Western Roman Empire.</div></td>
Function edit in DAO:
class ProgDAO{
private $conn;
public function __construct($connection) {
$this->conn = $connection;
public function ListaPorTipoB($tipo){
$results = array();
$stmt = $this->conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM GTCLogist WHERE DsTpVeiculo = ?');
if($stmt) {
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$prog = new Prog();
$results[] = $prog;
return $results;
public function editar(Prog $prog){
try {
$stmt = $this->conn->prepare(
'UPDATE GTCLogist SET NrPlaca = :NrPlaca, DsMotorista = :DsMotorista WHERE id = :id'
$stmt->bindValue(':id', $prog->getid(), PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(':NrPlaca', $prog->getplaca(), PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindValue(':DsMotorista', $prog->getmot(), PDO::PARAM_STR);
catch(Exception $e) {
My precontrol:
include_once ('../connection_open.php');
include_once ('../model/prog.php');
include_once ('progControle.php');
include_once ('../DAO/progDAO.php');
$id = $_POST['id'];
$NrPlaca = $_POST['placa'];
$DsMotorista = $_POST['mot'];
$objProg = new Prog();
$controller = new Comando($conn);
if ($id == ""){
header ("location: ../view/edita.php?id=".$id);
include_once ('../connection_close.php');
My control:
class Comando{
private $conn;
public function __construct($connec) {
$this->conn = $connec;
public function ListaPorTipoB(){
$dao = new ProgDAO($this->conn);
return $dao -> ListaPorTipoB('Bitruck');
public function listar($id){
$dao = new ProgDAO($this->conn);
return $dao -> listar($id);
public function editar(Prog $objProg){
$dao = new ProgDAO($this->conn);
return $dao -> editar($objProg);
The problem is that in the page inputs edit is not returning a value within the value, and in the function ListTypeB in line $prog->setid($row->id);
is giving the following error Undefined property: stdClass :: $ id