Error publishing site


The system was working fine, I made some changes and after I uploaded to the server that error occurs, can anyone tell me what it would be? The system is MVC with VS 2013.

Note: I returned the previous version which was a backup of the site and continues the error.

Iaddedthetag:<customErrorsmode="Off" />

asked by anonymous 02.02.2016 / 19:27

1 answer


Possibly this will solve your problem:

1)Seleciona no IIS o pool do seu site
2)Clica com o botao direito 
3)Seleciona Advanced Settings 
4)Seleciona TRUE em Enable 32-bit Applications.

If the 4) item is not enabled for sure you will receive the error you are describing



To try to solve I would try:

1) Upload all these files again

2) Delete all these files, remove the references of Common.Logging.dll and Pechkin.dll and install again by nuget, compile the project and upload those dlls + web.config + to your project dlls again

02.02.2016 / 20:25