I have several forms in my application, and I can initiate the call by some of them in partial execution for tests (not necessarily START by main form).
In addition to the public variables that are in a module, I tried to do the same with routines and public functions, so that they would not be scattered in codes of several forms or concentrated in one, because in any of these cases the partial call of the application would load all the functions and routines that could be requested.
Can you do this?
For example, I want a public routine that places the default values in public variables, but not in a form code.
Public Sub InicializaVariaveisPublicas()
VersaoATual = "2.03.017"
QuantidadeMaximaProjetos = 2
QuantidadeMaximaItens = 10
ArrastoMouse = False
MaximoTentativas = 3
End Sub
See the answer below