Web Service Images Java ZIP Android


I need my Android application to download a large batch of images and store it on the Smartphone disk, but I need to decide what would be the best format for downloading these files, since the images must be available in offline application mode .

1-Web Service return a zipped file with all the images and the application performs the unpacking in the desired directory.

2 - ???

asked by anonymous 09.12.2015 / 17:22

1 answer


2 - Download only what is required when accessing the requested item and keep it cached locally. If there is internet you request the updated item, otherwise access the local item.


Perf Theory: Caching - link

3 - Send the first shipment together with your APK and use a SyncAdapter to synchronize data between the device and webservice regularly when the internet is available.


Handling Offline Capability and Data Sync in an   Android

09.12.2015 / 18:47