I need help to adjust a detail on the client's website, because I'm generating some cards on the screen when registered, but according to the resolution of the screen it does not look good, so I come here to ask for your help to make the font-size of the text inside my card
Part of the system that generates the cards with an array return
<div id="scroll" style="height: 90px; top:0px;" ng-select ng-model="selection" select-class="{'chips_style_altered': $optSelected}">
<div ng-repeat="frete in fretes" class="pad col-md-1">
<div name="{{frete.frete_id}}" ng-select-option="frete" ng-click="carregarBairros(frete.frete_valor, cidade.cid_atd_id,selection)" class="col-md-12 padding-zero chips md-whiteframe-1dp" >
<div class="text-center" >
<span class="font-text">R$ {{frete.frete_valor}}</span>