Retrieve WSDL from WebService NFe ASMX


How do I retrieve the WSDL from this service: link

I need the WSDL to add it by Netbeans, there I can only add the WSDL and this is final asmx.


My CLasse looks like this:

String nfeCabecMsg = "<nfeCabecMsg xmlns=\"\">\n"
            + "\n"
            + "<cUF>35</cUF>\n"
            + "\n"
            + "<versaoDados>2.01</versaoDados>\n"
            + "\n"
            + "</nfeCabecMsg>";

String nfeDadosMsg = "<nfeDadosMsg xmlns=\"\" versao=\"2.00\">\n"
            + "\n"
            + "<consStatServ xmlns=\"\" versao=\"2.00\">\n"
            + "\n"
            + "<tpAmb>1</tpAmb>\n"
            + "\n"
            + "<cUF>35</cUF>\n"
            + "\n"
            + "<xServ>STATUS</xServ>\n"
            + "\n"
            + "</consStatServ>\n"
            + "\n"
            + "</nfeDadosMsg>";

String teste = new CadConsultaCadastro().getCadConsultaCadastroSoap().consultaCadastro(nfeCabecMsg, nfeDadosMsg);


error: package br.inf.portalfiscal.nfe.wsdl.cadconsultacadastro does not exist
import br.inf.portalfiscal.nfe.wsdl.cadconsultacadastro.CadConsultaCadastro;

Why are you giving this error?

asked by anonymous 10.02.2016 / 19:29

1 answer


By default services published with ASMX leave the WSDL accessible on a URL ending with ?wsdl , then you can access the WSDL by adding ?wsdl of this url, something like this:


This means that you are prompting the server to generate and return the WSDL for you if this has not been disabled on the server.

Some servers also publish WSDL directly, but it is totally dependent on the implementation / configuration, you can also try something like .

Another thing: this seems to be the event reception service of the state of São Paulo. You can download all WSDLs directly from the site, here . In addition, the service contract is the same for all UFs, changing, for some, only the address of the service. If you can not directly access or download, you can try some other: werbservices interface

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10.02.2016 / 19:50