I integrated the pagseguro into my virtual store. I use a transaction-by-code query API to get details of the transaction / purchase that was made at the store:
The payload returns an xml with the information, so I save the information in a variable ($ transactions).
An example of the query response is here: link
I try to check the installment fee ($ transactions-> installmentFeeAmount) but the xml does not return anything, probably because the field is as optional on the pagseguro site, I would like to know how to enable this parameter. >
follow the code:
header("access-control-allow-origin: https://sandbox.pagseguro.uol.com.br");
$email = 'douglas...';
$token = '4360...';
$codigotransicao = $_GET['pagamento'];
$url = 'https://ws.sandbox.pagseguro.uol.com.br/v2/transactions/'. $codigotransicao .'?email=' .$email. '&token=' .$token;
// Errado $url = 'https://ws.sandbox.pagseguro.uol.com.br/v2/transactions/notifications/' . $_POST['notificationCode'] . '?email=' . $email . '&token=' . $token;
$curl = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$transaction= curl_exec($curl);
if($transaction == 'Unauthorized'){
//Insira seu código avisando que o sistema está com problemas, sugiro enviar um e-mail avisando para alguém fazer a manutenção
$name = 'log.txt';
$text = " A transação não foi validada!" . "\r\n";
$file = fopen($name, 'a+');
fwrite($file, $text);
exit;//Mantenha essa linha
$transaction = simplexml_load_string($transaction);
if($transaction->code > 0) {
$TransacaoID = $transaction->code;
$CompradorID = $transaction->reference;
$mpresult = $transaction->paymentMethod->type;
if($mpresult == 1){
$MetodoPagamento = "Cartão de crédito";
} elseif($mpresult == 2){
$MetodoPagamento = "Boleto";
} elseif($mpresult == 3){
$MetodoPagamento = "Débito online (TEF)";
} else {
$MetodoPagamento = "Outro";
$nParcelas = $transaction->installmentCount;
$TaxaPacelas = $transaction->installmentFeeAmount;
$DataTransacao = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($transaction->date));
if($transaction->status == 1){
$transactionStatus = 'Aguardando pagamento';
} elseif($transaction->status == 2){
$transactionStatus = 'Em análise';
} elseif($transaction->status == 3){ // :)
$transactionStatus = 'Paga';
} elseif($transaction->status == 4){ // :D
$transactionStatus = 'Disponível';
} elseif($transaction->status == 5){
$transactionStatus = 'Em disputa';
} elseif($transaction->status == 6){
$transactionStatus = 'Devolvida';
} elseif($transaction->status == 7){
$transactionStatus = 'Cancelada';
$CliNome = $transaction->sender->name;
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO pedidos (TransacaoID,CompradorID,MetodoPagamento,nParcelas,TaxaParcelas,StatusTransacao,CliNome) VALUES ('".$TransacaoID."', '".$CompradorID."', '".$MetodoPagamento."', '".$nParcelas."', '".$TaxaParcelas."', '".$transactionStatus."', '".$CliNome."')") or die(mysql_error());