Hello, I would like to know how I do in Swift a sentence moving from right to left and when every sentence passes it is doing the same procedure forever, like a digital marquee.
Hello, I would like to know how I do in Swift a sentence moving from right to left and when every sentence passes it is doing the same procedure forever, like a digital marquee.
To create this label effect by moving ( called Marquee effect ) you can use this library: link
If you are using cocoapods just add pod 'MarqueeLabel-Swift'
to your podfile, or if you want to manually add just put the class MarqueeLabel.swift into your project.
Now just create a label in your storyboard and put her class as custom MarqueeLabel type and connect with your @IBOutlet:
@IBOutlet weak var marqueeLabel: MarqueeLabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
marqueeLabel.type = .Continuous
marqueeLabel.scrollDuration = 5.0
marqueeLabel.animationCurve = .EaseInOut
marqueeLabel.fadeLength = 10.0
marqueeLabel.leadingBuffer = 30.0
marqueeLabel.trailingBuffer = 20.0