Update of Random Divs


In my Script below it is doing an update of a divs pulling from a file tv2.php of so much and I try time ... until then it works, but what I need is that it merge between two files.

           1 and 1 minute switch content by switching tv1.php file to tv2.php in a loop

As I am not aware of javascript that a little girl would laugh about how I can fix this code for this

  $(function () {
  function getContadorMapa() {
    $.get("tv2.php", function (result) {

 setInterval(getContadorMapa, 20000);

asked by anonymous 10.08.2016 / 02:23

1 answer


A simple use of an IF can solve


Note that using setInterval may conflict, maybe it's best to use setTimeout , to know the difference between I recommend you to see the following answers I've made in other questions: / p>      

$(function () {
    var minutos = 1; //Um minuto

    var url1 = "tv1.php";
    var url2 = "tv2.php";

    var urlAtual = url1; //Coloque a url inicial

    function getContadorMapa() {
        $.get(urlAtual, function (result) {
        }).always(function() {
            //Quando a requisição termina troca dispara always

            //Se a url atual for igua a url 1 então troca pra 2, caso contrário troca pra 1
            urlAtual = urlAtual === url1 ? url2 : url1;

            setTimeout(getContadorMapa, 60 * 1000 * minutos);


If you need to implement more urls in the future use an array:

$(function () {
    var minutos = 1; //Um minuto

    var urls = [

    var i = 0; //Começa no item zero da array que no caso é o "tv1.php"
    var total = urls.length; //Pega o total de itens

    function getContadorMapa() {
        $.get(urls[i], function (result) {
        }).always(function() {
            //Quando a requisição termina troca dispara always

            //Soma mais um a variável e assim passa para o proximo item do array

            //Se i for maior que o tamanho do array então volta pra zero
            if (!(i < total)) {
                 i = 0;

            setTimeout(getContadorMapa, 60 * 1000 * minutos);

10.08.2016 / 07:09