Include data in Json beyond what comes via Mysql


I'm building an API in PHP / Mysql that will feed a hybrid APP, also under construction, via Ionic. The data traffic is via Json.

I'm a newcomer to Ionic, Angular, JS, and Json ... Reasonable in PHP and Mysql. I mean ... heeeeelllllllp please !!!

In practice I make a select:

$sql = "select id, titulo, ano from tabela WHERE titulo!='' ORDER by id DESC LIMIT 10";

$result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql) or die("Error in Selecting " . mysqli_error($connection));

I create an array

$emparray = array();
while($row =mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
    $emparray[] = $row;


echo json_encode($emparray), "\n";

Close the connection


It works !!! Each item is encoded correctly and Ionic interprets ok (relatively ok ... html formatting, line break etc are not interpreted in the app, but it's a question for another question.)

What do I need then?

I want to include data beyond what's 'select', encode and send it to Ionic.

Eg: Placing the variable


And they, even if they do not come from Mysql, are added in Json.

asked by anonymous 14.09.2016 / 00:20

1 answer


Basically you can do this:

$emparray = array();
while($row =mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
    $emparray[] = $row;

$emparray['site'] = '';
$emparray['autor'] = 'Pedro';

echo json_encode($emparray), "\n";

Remember that before turning a json it is simply a PHP Array, you can manipulate it the way you please and then encode as JSON that it will be transposed normally.

14.09.2016 / 00:39