How to read return from a java function


I use a third-party ged platform that provides web-services JAX-WS . There is a method called getInstanceCardData that returns the value of the form record fields of a request. Here's the method signature:



getInstanceCardData (String user, String password, int companyId,   String userId, int processInstanceId)


  • user: user login
  • password: the user's password.
  • companyId: company code.
  • userId: user registration.
  • processInstanceId: request number.

    Return: String [] [].

    call method I have the following return:

    I am not able to access the return data. I can only access information. See:

    result = getInstanceCardData(user, pass, company, userId, numeroProcesso);
    var item = getInstanceCardData.getItem();
            item[i].item, // So consigo acessar essa informação.
            //item[i].item.item nem roda

    Below is an image of soapUI accessing the method.

    asked by anonymous 16.08.2016 / 13:48

    1 answer


    Talk the beast!

    I believe that the ws you are using is the TOTVS fluig / ECM. Here is an example of how to get the return, whether in form, process, or dataset events:

    var result = getInstanceCardData(user, pass, company, userId, numeroProcesso);
    var resultAbstract = []
    for (int i = 0; i < result.getItem().size(); i++)
        resultAbstract.push({i: result.getItem().get(i).getItem()})
    for(i in resultAbstract)'Campo ' + i + ' valor ' + resultAbstract[i])

    The variable resultAbstract serves to abstract the return of the data. This makes it easier to work with them

    16.08.2016 / 15:25