How to resolve the error: illegal static declaration


I have 2 classes that work quite independently of each other. I put the 2 in one and got 3 compilation errors, the error message says:

 ilegal static declaration.

How to resolve the error on lines 42, 58 6 69.

The following code:

import java.util.*;

public class nesTudo
       class UserInfo 
           String user; String pass; String secretCode;

   ArrayList <UserInfo> InfoList = new ArrayList<UserInfo> ();  

        public void userInternalDatabase (UserInfo info) 
        this.user = info.user;
        this.pass = info.pass;
        this.secretCode = info.secretCode;
    public void addUser(String i, String j, String k) 
           UserInfo newUser = new UserInfo();
           newUser.user = i;
       newUser.pass = j;
           newUser.secretCode = k;

         public Object findUsername(String a)  
              for (int i=0; i <InfoList.size(); i++) 
                if (InfoList.get(i).user.equals(a))
                    return "This user already exists in our database.";
                    return "NÃO EXISTE ESSE UTILIZADOR."; 

   class DadosGuardados

        private static int lerNumero(Scanner kb, String mensagem, String mensagemErro) 
        while (true) 
                return Integer.parseInt(kb.nextLine());
        catch (NumberFormatException e) 

      private static boolean lerSimNao(Scanner kb, String mensagem, String mensagemErro) 
          while (true) 
             String x = kb.nextLine();
             if (x.equalsIgnoreCase("S")) return true;
             if (x.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) return false;
            public static void main(String[] args) 
                Scanner kb = new Scanner(;

                System.out.println("Bem-vindo, utilizador.");
                boolean maisRecarga = true;
                   while (maisRecarga) 
                          int recarga = lerNumero(kb, "Introduza o número da recarga: ", "Isso que você digitou não era um número. Por favor, tente novamente.");
                        System.out.println("Você digitou " + recarga + ".");
                        maisRecarga = lerSimNao(kb, "Tem mais recarga para registar?\nResponda 'S´ para continuar ou 'N´ para terminar: ", "Era para você responder S ou N! Por favor, tente novamente.");  

                System.out.println("Obrigado, até o próximo registro.");
asked by anonymous 29.09.2016 / 14:43

1 answer


For a Sub Class to have static methods, it needs to be static as well!

Your Sub class DadosGuardados has 2 static methods (in addition to main ) and it is not static!

Try declaring it as follows:

static class DadosGuardados

I emphasize what was said in the comments!


programming is not usually just copy and paste codes without understanding what   they do

This change should work first!

But I suggest you remove static methods, and create Instances of Sub classes!

Leave your method public static void main(String[] args) in the main class.

29.09.2016 / 15:02