(php / laravel) How do I calculate math expressions? [duplicate]


I need to do form calculations with php, for example, I will have a field in which I will put 2 + 9 (4 * 8) / 6 and it will return the result, but I have no idea how to do it. how I need it:


asked by anonymous 05.12.2016 / 18:02

1 answer


I leave here a way without using eval() , so you already have a response that was made the longest ago @Bacco put the link on top of the question:

function callback1($m) {return c($m[1]);}
function callback2($n,$m) {
    $m[0]=' ';
    return $o=='+' ? $n+$m : ($o=='-' ? $n-$m : ($o=='*' ? $n*$m : $n/$m));
function c($s){ 
    while ($s != ($t = preg_replace_callback('/\(([^()]*)\)/','callback1',$s))) $s=$t;
        preg_match_all('![-+/*].*?[\d.]+!', "+$s", $m);
        return array_reduce($m[0], 'callback2');

$str = '(3 + 2) * 5';
echo c($str);


Source: Great answer taken from here

05.12.2016 / 18:35