Join with the same table more than once


I'm having a problem performing a query .

The original table calls tbl_operacao , and contains the fields: id , tipo_operacao , idimovel , idproprietario , idlocatario , idseguro , idvalores .

When I call the values of idproprietario and idlocatario the values come equal.

  'tbl_pessoas'.'nome' as 'nome2'
JOIN 'tbl_imovel' 
  ON ('tbl_operacao'.'idimovel' = 'tbl_imovel'.'id')
JOIN 'tbl_endereco' 
  ON ('tbl_operacao'.'idimovel' = 'tbl_imovel'.'id' AND 'tbl_imovel'.'idendereco' = 'tbl_endereco'.'id')
JOIN 'tbl_pessoas' 
  ON ('tbl_operacao'.'idproprietario' = 'tbl_pessoas'.'id')
JOIN 'tbl_pessoas' as ps2 
  ON ('tbl_operacao'.'idlocatario' = ps2.'id')

Will I need to create a stored procedure or a function to get the correct values?

asked by anonymous 04.01.2016 / 06:10

1 answer


Your query is a bit confusing, it took a while for me to understand what you wanted to do, but I think that's it:

  pro.'nome'      AS proprietario_nome,
  pro.'sobrenome' AS proprietario_sobrenome,
  loc.'nome'      AS locatario_nome,
  loc.'sobrenome' AS locatario_sobrenome
FROM      'tbl_operacao'
LEFT JOIN 'tbl_imovel'           ON 'tbl_operacao'.'idimovel' = 'tbl_imovel'.'id'
LEFT JOIN 'tbl_endereco'         ON 'tbl_imovel'.'idendereco' = 'tbl_endereco'.'id'
LEFT JOIN 'tbl_pessoas'  AS pro  ON 'tbl_operacao'.'idproprietario' = pro.'id'
LEFT JOIN 'tbl_pessoas'  AS loc  ON 'tbl_operacao'.'idlocatario'    = loc.'id'

The problem with your original query is that you requested twice the same thing, just changing the alias of the returned field, instead of defining the aliases of the source.

04.01.2016 / 06:35