How to retrieve the description of an enumerator?


I have the following enumerator

public enum MeuEnumerador
    [Description("Descrição do item do enumerador")]
    Enumerador1 = 1,
    [Description("Outra descrição")]
    Enumerador2 = 2

How do I get the value that is in the Description of the enumerator?

asked by anonymous 20.11.2015 / 19:56

2 answers


I found a solution creating the following extensions for type Enum

public static T ObterAtributoDoTipo<T>(this Enum valorEnum) where T : System.Attribute
    var type = valorEnum.GetType();
    var memInfo = type.GetMember(valorEnum.ToString());
    var attributes = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), false);
    return (attributes.Length > 0) ? (T)attributes[0] : null;

public static string ObterDescricao(this Enum valorEnum)
    return valorEnum.ObterAtributoDoTipo<DescriptionAttribute>().Description;

Where the ObterAtributoDoTipo<T> extension will return the attribute that is requested, in this case the Description . Example usage:

var meuEnumerador = MeuEnumerador.Enumerador1;
Attribute atributo = meuEnumerador.ObterAtributoDoTipo<DescriptionAttribute>();

And the extension ObterDescrição will actually return me to Description and for this it uses the other extension to fetch the attribute. Example usage:

var meuEnumerador = MeuEnumerador.Enumerador1;
string descricao = meuEnumerador.ObterDescricao();

I looked in various places on how to do it, and that was the best solution I found, if anyone knows other ways to do this, share it on the answers.

20.11.2015 / 19:56

just use getDescription:

var teste = MeuEnumerador.GetDescription();
07.08.2018 / 20:30