To use the COM
class it is necessary to activate the extension php_com_dotnet.dll
in php.ini (clearly this is only for Windows), something like this:
After this you need to restart Apache / Nginx / lighttpd (or restart the server / machine).
- The
new COM
class does not have much documentation, because it has nothing to talk about, because the only thing it does is to release the functions of a registered DLL in the operating system .
COM means Component Object Model , ie the class will only access DLLs that use things like OLE, basically if the DLL is not made with OLE and compatible, it will not be possible to use% because as I said this is not a class to load DLLs but rather to load the functions of DLLs registered in the System.
I do not know if it is possible to access all ActiveX, COM + and DCOM, which are other technologies of the same tracking, I will edit the response as soon as I can confirm.
To register a DLL, you must eventually run the REGSVR32 command:
REGSVR32 minhadll.dll
If the DLL has the COM interface and the registry is fine then you will have access via PHP normally, something like (hypothetical example):
Execute Command Line DLL
Assuming the documentation provides some access to a command line tool of the SAT itself, you could use a
new COM
like this:
$comando = escapeshellcmd('ferramenta_sat_hipotetica.exe comando1 comando2 arg3');
$resposta = shell_exec($comando);
echo $resposta;
You can also try to run the windows RUNDLL32 command:
RUNDLL32.EXE <dllname>,<entrypoint> <optional arguments>
It would look something like:
RUNDLL32.EXE MINHADLL.DLL,Install 200 Argumento
In PHP it would look like this:
$comando = escapeshellcmd('RUNDLL.EXE MINHADLL.DLL,Install 200 Argumento');
$resposta = shell_exec($comando);
echo $resposta;
Read more about RUNDLL at:
I found the documentation and an example with the DLL, in the example they put an extra quotation mark, maybe it is typing error shell_exec
, however if it fails try new COM('"SATscript.DLL.object')
First download the link after running the new COM('SATscript.DLL.object')
that is inside the compact, it will register the DLL, should run the 64bit version if you are using Windows 64bit, any doubt or problem inside the folder has this REGSATscript.exe
file, after registering the DLL just run:
try {
$SATsw = new COM('"SATscript.DLL.object') OR die ('NÃO POSSO CRIAR OBJETO');
// "????????????????? S T A T U S ???????????????????????????"
// "Índice Retorno 0 Retorno 1 "
// " 1 Impressora operacional Impressora em falha"
// " 2 Off Line On Line "
// " 3 Papel OK Fim de papel "
// " 4 Guilhotina não detectada Guilhotina detectada "
// " 5 Tampa térmica fechada Tampa térmica aberta "
// " 6 Sem papel sobre o sensor Papel posicionado sobre o sensor "
// " 7 Gaveta fechada Gaveta aberta. "
// " 8 Cheque inserido SEM CHEQUE."
$LF = '<br>';
$retorno = $SATsw->Status_SI300 ("1");
echo 'Status_SAT ("1") -> Operacional? = ', $retorno, $LF;
$retorno = $SATsw->Status_SI300 ("2");
echo 'Status_SAT ("2") -> ON/OFF? = ', $retorno, $LF;
$retorno = $SATsw->Status_SI300 ("3");
echo 'Status_SAT ("3") -> FIM Papel? = ', $retorno, $LF;
$retorno = $SATsw->Status_SI300 ("4");
echo 'Status_SAT ("4") -> Guilhotina? = ', $retorno, $LF;
$retorno = $SATsw->Status_SI300 ("5");
echo 'Status_SAT ("5") -> Tampa? = ', $retorno, $LF;
$retorno = $SATsw->Status_SI300 ("6");
echo 'Status_SAT ("6") -> Papel acabando? = ', $retorno, $LF;
$retorno = $SATsw->Status_SI300 ("7");
echo 'Status_SAT ("7") -> Gaveta? = ', $retorno, $LF;
$retorno = $SATsw->Status_SI300 ("8");
echo 'Status_SAT ("8") -> Cheque? = ', $retorno, $LF;
$retorno = $SATsw->StatusGuilhotina_SI300 ();
echo 'StatusGuilhotina_SI300 () -> Guilhotina? = ', $retorno, $LF;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'resultado: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";