Choose a directory to save the latest version


I just installed Visual Studio, and I need to get the latest version, but as I just installed TFS a window appears to choose the Local Folder and I do not know which one to choose. I need help, I do not want to save the versions in a wrong folder.



asked by anonymous 29.12.2016 / 14:36

1 answer



There is no right or wrong folder for this. The ideal is that you include in a directory that is standard for you, in my case, when I use TFVC repositories as is the case of your example, I use C: \ Projects.

A good point that I believe you should pay attention to is to map the entire project folder, not just the views folder, as it is the case of your print, because you may need the other files, and it will be a little more work for you to redo all the mapping just to get the rest of the project down at a later time. Taking into account your print, I suggest you perform the mapping from "demands".

04.07.2017 / 18:15