WARNING: All codes in this reply have been written by third parties and have not been tested by me. Beware of using them.
In Stack Overflow in English you have a similar question , and user Toni posted the following code there:
function GetFileVersion($FileName) {
if (!$handle) return FALSE;
$Header=fread ($handle,64);
if (substr($Header,0,2)!='MZ') return FALSE;
if ($PEOffset[1]<64) return FALSE;
$Header=fread ($handle,24);
if (substr($Header,0,2)!='PE') return FALSE;
if ($Machine[1]!=332) return FALSE;
for ($x=0;$x<$NoSections[1];$x++) { //$x fixed here
if (substr($SecHdr,0,5)=='.rsrc') { //resource section
if (!$ResFound) return FALSE;
for ($x=0;$x<$NumDirs[1];$x++) {
if($Type[1]==16) { //FILEINFO resource
if (!$InfoFound) return FALSE;
$InfoOff=unpack("V",substr($Info,$SubOff[1]+20,4)); //offset of first FILEINFO
$InfoOff=unpack("V",substr($Info,$InfoOff[1]+20,4)); //offset to data
return $Version;
I have not tested this code, and I found it very bad to read, which is not a good sign. But maybe it will solve your problem.
Perhaps Scott Bartgis's user code is better - at least it's cleaner, but I have not tested it either:
function get_product_version($file_name)
$key = "P\x00r\x00o\x00d\x00u\x00c\x00t\x00V\x00e\x00r\x00s\x00i\x00o\x00n\x00\x00\x00";
$fptr = fopen($file_name, "rb");
$data = "";
while (!feof($fptr))
$data .= fread($fptr, 65536);
if (strpos($data, $key)!==FALSE)
$data = substr($data, strlen($data)-strlen($key));
if (strpos($data, $key)===FALSE)
return "";
$pos = strpos($data, $key)+strlen($key);
$version = "";
for ($i=$pos; $data[$i]!="\x00"; $i+=2)
$version .= $data[$i];
return $version;
echo get_product_version("/path_to_file/foo.exe");
A third option that seems feasible: In Windows environments, you can get an EXE version by creating a FileSystemObject
via COM extension.