Open text file and handle by line


I'm starting the first step in and I'm needing it first get a text file to open it and filter by line where each line is separated by | and I will make a if to show certain line


Text file content:


I need to first open the file and store all its contents and then type an explode of each line by putting in an array done this I'll make a if linha[1] == "C460" and show the whole content of that line

package main

import (

func main() {
    conteudo,_ := ioutil.ReadFile("sped.txt")
    linhas := strings.Split(string(conteudo),"|")
    for _,v := range (linhas){
        if v == "C100"{
            fmt.Println(v) // preciso mostra a linha toda do registro C100

asked by anonymous 14.02.2017 / 03:56

1 answer

  • Do not use split, it removes the character passed in the second parameter and returns a string from the result of the content.
  • When you made a for you compared if the whole file is equal to C100, but you need to compare column by column of each line.
  • I made regular expression, see if it is, in this case just change the name for the content example: C100, C470

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        // abrindo arquivo sped.txt
        conteudo, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("sped.txt")
        nome := "C100" // nome que irá procurar...
        // expressão regular que verifica se o nome existe, se existe ele pega todo conteúdo
        r, err := regexp.Compile("(?P<name>" + nome + ").+")
        // verifica se houve algum erro ao pegar o conteudo
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("Ocorreu um erro: %v", err)
        // cria um slice de string para cada linha de string encontrada
        x := strings.Fields(string(conteudo))
        // percorre todo o slice de string
        for _, a := range x {
            fmt.Println(r.FindString(string(a))) // retorna apenas as linhas pelo nome escolhido

    Link to the full code, link however will not work because inside the server does not have the sped.txt file, then you copy and execute locally.

    26.04.2017 / 04:03